About Us
Outstanding Feature Programs
- Freshman Academy
- Environmental Education Program
- WLCHS Morning News Show
- Honors/Advanced Placement (AP) Program
- Dual Enrollment
- Windows of Opportunity Program
- Career & Technology Educational Courses
- Diagnostic/Tutoring Services
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Intervention Program for At-Risk Youth
- Special Needs Programs
- Media Program
- Technology Teacher
- Cadet
- WIA (Workforce Investment Act)
- AmeriCorps
- Saturday School
- Early Bird Tutoring
- Twilight After School Program
- Academic Focus Period
State of SC Report Card
Extra Curricular Offerings
- Student Government
- 11 Interscholastic Sports
- Wide variety of interest groups, service organizations and honor societies
- Student Publications
Special Incentives
- Individual and Group Awards for Attendance
- Honor Roll
- Group Awards for Good Behavior
- Exhibitions and Competition
- Mega Minds
- Good Citizenship Awards
- Field Trips
Community Involvement
- School Improvement Council
- Ministerial & Community Leaders Alliance
- Business Partners
- Athletic Booster Club
- Band Booster Club
- Choir Booster Club
UPDATE - LCHS Middle College
The Lee Central High School Middle College was created to better prepare students for college and to give them an advantage that will encourage the students to develop on two levels: academically and socially. LCHS Middle College students have the opportunity to not only graduate from high school, but also earn college credits that can transfer to a four-year university. Students, who work hard and take advantage of the opportunities available, can transfer enough credits to enter a four-year university as a sophomore or junior.